NAACP Special Election Questionnaire

Date: Aug. 20, 2003

John J. "Jack" Hickey, Healthcare District Director
Libertarian Candidate for Governor

1. I support Ward Connerly's efforts to eliminate discrimination.   Proposition 54 is a step in that direction, and I will vote YES on Proposition 54.

2. I support the autonomy of local law enforcement, and hope that you elect an honest and just chief of police, sheriff, etc. who will swear to uphold the Constitution of the United States.  Their collaboration with other law enforcement agencies across our nation should not be infringed.  I find federal mandates to be counterproductive.

3. DNA testing can be an effective tool for determining the innocence of mistakenly convicted convicts.  I support it's use in that regard.   Using mandatory DNA testing as a means to reduce the number of unsolved crimes is questionable in my mind.  Self incrimination is the legal issue.  One cannot, for example, be forced to provide a handwriting sample for use as evidence in a criminal trial.  However, once provided, DNA evidence should be made available in a "lineup" scenario to ascertain presence at a crime scene.

4. I support Performance Vouchers for Education as a means to wean parents off a failed government school system..  "Johnny and Mary" learn to read and write, "Mommy and Daddy" get paid.  School Vouchers won't pass the Separation clause of the U. S. Constitution.  The State has no business defining a church or a school.  Separation of School and State is the goal.

5. Raised a Roman Catholic, I believe that we all have a free will, the exercise of which has consequences.  Government should limit it's concern to the adjudication of actions by individuals or groups of individuals who violate the rights of others.   All government restrictions on personal  substance abuse should be repealed, as Prohibition was early in the 1900's.  Prohibition creates black markets and foments criminal activity.  Those serving time for "victimless" crimes should be released from prisons.  Savings to the State could greatly reduce California's budget deficit.

6. As a Retired Research Scientist, I view a continuum of states of existence to be essential.  Government subsidized attempts to impose artificial levels of income, housing, etc. interfere with the workings of a free market.  And, they have quashed the charitable spirit of this once great nation.  When you vote to rob Peter to pay Paul, you are not acting charitably.

7. I certainly support the position that we must NOT build more jails.  In fact, item 5. above suggests that we could actually sell off some of the jail real estate to reduce the budget deficit.  The issue of juvenile prevention should be addressed by the private sector, NOT government!

8. I support Universal Health Care provided by social organizations, churches, etc.  And, care providers needn't be licensed by the State.  I OPPOSE Socialized Medicine, that is, Government funded Universal Health Care!
